T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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Schorer, Mark. 1968. "The Necessity of Myth" Henry A.Murray, &&bBeacon Press.Bvth-Making Boston:Shankar, Lekha J. 1991. "Strangers In a Strange Land" WHindu, Madras 14 January.Shulman, Polly. 1988. "Home Truths"'in VLS, No.66, June.Slegel, Ben. 1962. "Victlms In Motion: Bernard Malamud'sSad and Bitter Clowns", North West5 No 2 (Spring) p 69-80 Rpt InRecent Amerlcan Fiction: SomeCritical Vlewa, Ed Joseph WaldrneirBoston: Houghton Mifflln Company.--- 1965. Quoted In Malln Irving, Jew and AmericansCarbondale: Southern IlllnolsUnlverslty Press.Slnclalre, Cllve. 1982,"The Falling-out In Paradise",Times Literarv SuDDlement, 29thOctober.Sivaramakrlshna, M. 1982. "Bharatl Mukher~ee" IndianEnsllsh Novellsts: An Antholosy dCritlcal Essavs. Ed.Madhusudan Prasad

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