T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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Roth, Phllip. 1961. "Writlng American Fiction",Commentarv, 3lst March--- 1975. "Imagining Jews", Reading Mvself and Others, NewYork: Farrar,Straus bGiroux.Rovit, Ear1.H. 1960. : "Bernard Malamud and the JewishLiterary Traditron" Critique 3.No.2(Wlnter-Sprlng).Rubln, Louls D. Jr 1962. "Slx Novels and S. Levlnv Sewanee-,70.Rushdle, Salman. 1987. Satanlc Verses; VikingPubllcatlons.Rustom~l-Kerns, Roshnl. 1988. "Expatrlates, Immlqrants andLiterature: Three South-Asian WomenWrlters" . Massachusetts Review.Winter.Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book, 1946 Rabblnlcal Assemblyof Amerlca and the Unlted Synagogueof Amerlca 304.Sandler, Llnda. 1975.uVlolence as a Devlce for Problem-Solvlngeo saturdav Nlaht, Vol. 90,N0.5 October

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