T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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Tix Hiddleman and Other Stories. 1988. New York : GrovePress:Rpt. 1990. New Delhi : Penguin ~ooks&Sorrow & Terror:in Calcutta. 1977. New York: Doubleday andCompany, Inc.Bauntinq Leqacv of The Air-udia Trauedy. 1987. New York : Doubleday and Co., Inc.11. SECONDARY SOURCES 1 BOOKS AND RRTrCLEsAlrrdge A. Owen, A. 1969. Ed. "General Introduction: ThePurpose and Perspective ofComparative Llterature", Com~arativeLlterature: Matter nethod.1llinois:<strong>University</strong> of Illinois Press.Alter, Robert. 1966. "Malamud as Jewish Writer"Commentary, 42.33 September.--- 1965. "Sentlrnentallzlng the Jews", Commentary XL(September. 1965), 74.--- 1969. "Bernard Malamud: Jewishness as Metaphor" AfterTradition: Essavs on ModernJewish Writinq. New York:E.P. Dutton and Co., Inc,Avery, Evelyn Gross. 1979. Rebels and Vlctlms: T b Ficti~Richard Wriqht and BernardMalamud. Port Washington:

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