T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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Bharati Mukherjee may represent the Pan-European, the Pan-Asianor Pan-American. The moral-centred vision of manlwoman inMalamud and Mukherlee lies In glving an ethical colouring tothe portrayal of the human psyche caught in the vortex oftransgressions, suffering and compassion. This would confirmour hypothesis that the dialectic of transgression andresolution is central to the vision of man/woman in the twonovelists, who have amply qualified themselves to move frommarginality to malnstream as exponents of the immigrantsensibility in modern American flction. The Researcher's itchmay pose the question: "Do Malamud and Mukherjee remainrevolutionaries 7"--Intellectually--certainly, without a doubt.They may be vlctims or rebels, but their goal is the same."The rebel denres wlthout saying 'No' to life, the victimsuccumbs without saylng 'Yes' to oppression. Both acts are, ina sense, ldentlcal, they affirm the human against the nonhuman". (Hassan 1961,331

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