T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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George Bush not a typical American. Yet these distorted viewspersist in the American and Indian minds. If one 1s going tolive In Aaerlca, hershe need to contribute to its soclety, notonly to its economy. Arguing from a strong Americanperspectlve-this 1s a meltlng pot, so share your heritage. ManyIndlans perceive this mentality of mixing wlth others as athreat to their traditional way of life from the arranging ofmarriages to the sheltering of daughters. Indlans do notgenerally llke t.o lustify thelr culture and practices toAmerlcans. Thls practice may change with future generations,but today's settlers lust want to be accepted and left alonewithout havlng to explaln their ways to others.So when Indians In Amerlca fence themselves off, theyalso cut off the American's prlmary and preferred source oflnformatlon about a vastly different country and culture.Whether lt 1s America's dellberate iqnorance about India orIndia's myoplc vlew of the Unlted States, Amerlcans evinceinterest ~n "human interest" storles-about how people live,work, play and dle. Mukherjee's "human interest'' storles haveto a great extent brldged the gulf and they brlng Indians closeto Amerlcans.The present volumes of writlngs in American Literaturereflect the movement of b0t.h the marglnal Jew and the marginalIndlan into mainstream American writing. Bernard Malamud and

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