T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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including J%mh, reveals herself as a writer of penetratingmoral vision of universal significance who goes into the longerissues like the search for the roots, exploitation ofman/'doean, theexploitation of waman by man and the evlls ofcolonialism. Her stories provide an occasion for humanity tocome face to face with aspects of their own world and theirhistory which have a real hold on them.Jasmlne arrives at her affirmation revealing her lnternalwill, brinylnq about revolutlonary changes in the soclety. Thedecision to lnvolve herself in American affairs and her senseof afflrmatlorl gces beyond mere questions of colour orupbrlnglng or nationality. She becomes a real revolutionaryboth physically and Lntellectually and 1s even prepared toforgo her bodyand comfortable llvlng. By her involvementJasmine reveals the true qualltlrs of domanhsod and defines itIn approprlats terms. In arrlvlng at a flnal decislon she goesto the roots of her Indlan idenrlty and to her Americanexperience. By ber actlon, she shows that woman's life isinfluenced by mo~nentous happenings and that her hablt, career,marriage, a com.isrtable llving, a is,oaan has to sacrifice whenlt comes to a questlon of gett~r~g freedom. By her act ofaff lrr,atlon at the end of the nsgel, Jasmlne reveals anldeniity not only as her Faklstan-oriented father's Indiandaughtel but also as e real American daughter to meet the

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