T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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transformation while trying to get the better of theirenvironment. This change in them begets a moral growth whilecontending against the flarrs in their own characters.As Mukherjee herself has opined: "I write about states offeelings or moral dilemmas that strike a very clear chord inme". A11 the chief characters in her novels and short storiesassume a firm moral stance against unfavourable and sometimeshostile social, cultural, religious, ethical and politicalforces which come in the way of their serious attempts for ameaningful survival in the present rnaterilalstic world.Mukherjee's protagonists do not keep themselves aloof from theworld. I.lke Malamud, Mukherjee also believes that manlwoman canrealise the ineaning of hlsjher existence only throughacceptance of the soclety sround himlher. Hence, hercharacter:;, are deterrninecl to dlsco'rer their new identity andthereafter establish a new relationship with the new society.Very often they are smart individuals who outwit and overtaketheir fore-doomed fates through a burst of stubbornnessunccmn~on 11) most Immryrants. Pertlcularly, the Indianprotagonists like Tara, Dlmple, Jasmine, Panlla, 3aya etC., fearthelr fate, are caught-up in it, yet manage to out-smart it.This is a reriult of Mukherlee sharing Malamud's thinking thatmanjwoman has an lnnate strength which 1s always pushinghimjher forward to fight for the preservation of histher life

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