T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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some extent, with the United States and the former Soviet Unionmore pluralistic than most European countries. The notion of'ethnic minorities' or minorlty groups is widely used insociology, and involves more than mere numbers-discriminations,group solidarity and isolation. Discrimination exists whenrights and opportunities open to one set of people are deniedto another group llke a land lord refuslng to rent a room tosomeone because he or she 1s an Aslan/Indlan. Members ofminority groups often tend to see themselves as 'a peopleapart' from the majority. Experience of belng the subject ofprejudice and discrimination usually heightens feelings ofcommon loyalty and Interests. This results In fostering a senseof group solldarlty, of belonging together. Mlnorlty groups areto some degree physically and soclally Isolated from the largercommunity. Endogamy (marriage wlthin the group) is promoted inorder to keep allve their cultural dlstlnctiveness.Every American accepts the basic values of a democraticcapitalist system that ensures a particular llfe-style to whichthey have all become accustomed and whlch 1s not availableelsewhere ~n the world. The consumer society has had atremendous levelling impact on its people and has become acharacteristic American mode of acculturation. The new mode canbe found in many aspects of modern American life :

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