T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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and reflection, he arrives at a realisation of the miracle thatis life.Thus in Malamud's novels, even when the sense ofdespair is apparently overwhelming, a strong underhand ofaffirmation is perceived, because of the moral purpose thatmotivates all his writing,.It is therefore, difficult tocomprehend the sensibility that considers Malamud's novelslife-denying.Self-denial and not denial of life is at thecore of his works, and this, he believes, opens man to a widerand more meaningful existence.An influence on Malamud'swriting comes from thephilosophy of existentialism, which originated in Europe andwhich emphasises the existence of a meaningless socialdisorder. Although existentialism poses :the ijed that man 1s alone in a godless world, thathas no lnherent msanllg, one effect of this tenethas been to put greater emphasis on man's individualpotential. Sufferir.g, aiguisti, and despair in hislor~eliness-an universal condition-man mavneverthlcss become what he wishes by the exercise offree will. (Hershin0w.a. 1$80,3)For the exis:entlalists rather a universal system of moralorder nor The influence of society and soclal custom canprovide meanlng for an ~ndividuel's life. It be~omes obligatoryfor eac? individual to find inean~ng for hlmsslf. This cannot beaccomp?ished througn r.asonalone-love, compassion, and moralcommitnant are i11sc) r~e~$i'ssary. M~~rdlit)', according to theexlstenLlal,sts, has vslid~ty only when it results from the

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