T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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moralistic purpose. Concerned with the anxiety faced by man, hetries to dedicate his art to restoring man to his originalsense of affirmation. The old pervasive optimism is perceivedeven when apparently the sense of despair is overwhelming.~ike Bellow, Malamud is concerned with conscience thatemphasise his moral purpose. Deeply involved with thesituation of contemporary man, thelr works explore man'sposslbillties and evaluate moral responses to experience. 60thlocate the cause Of existential anguish in the cult of the egothat men practise. Thus, their novels work towards thedevelopmerit of the protagonist away from the self towardsbrotherhood and aonmunity. While the purpose that informs bothBellow's and Malamud's novels is simrlar Malamud's novels areidea-centred wt.ile aellow's are people-centred.The Mala~udlan protagonist arrives at a new perspectiveof life by learnlnq to corelate wlth others in a meaningful andcommitted relationship. By appropriating Malamud's ethic eachprotagonist enters into a new experience in which the othergains i~portance. a3rt?r the self. Thus, he faces existence betterequipped to meet. sut'fering, the torture of dehumanising forcesor any klnd of existential crisis. In other words, inMalamud's dreams, love js a determinative flctor in existence.~t offele sa:,ratic.,l to man by inveetlng the Individual lifewith meaning and definititon and through a Process of suffering

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