T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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that a man with mixed allegiances is contemporary Everyman.The Inwardness of Indianness cannot be captured by alanguage essentially foreign. The subtlest and the most vitalmeasures are accessible only to a living speech with its rootsin the soil and in the organic past :If that language happens to be English the creativechoice must be respected and one should judge byresults rather than by dismal prophecies of what theresult must fall to be ..... Let me add that languageIS both a frrend and an enemy, as the soil is andthe elments are. The resistance one encounters init may be a promise of creative strength ; it doesnot necessarily mean that one should turn to a moreviable alternative. (Poirier 1966,9)Immigrants have fascinating tales to relate . As an immigrantwrlter Bharatl Mukherlee naturally assumes the role of aspokesperson for her fellow sufferers.Murlel Wasi opines;"Bharati Mukherjes is intelliqent, strrkingly energetic, hasdiscovered a style of wrltlng native to America that has pace,vigor and urgency.Perhaps most lmportant of all, she knowswhat she wants to say wlthin that idicm." (Wasl, 1990,37).Unllke other Indjan-born writers like R.K.Narayan or AnitaDesal, Mukherjee does not write in Indlan Engllsh about Indiansllving in India.Her view of the world and experiences areunlike 1:hen. Salman Rushdle dnd V.S. Naipaul write from thevantage point of an Indian expatriate llvrng in perpetual exile

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