T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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of their life.In ~merica, Indian women have to face the hurdle ofracls. difIerences In language, accent, mannerisms etc.they deal with the outside soclety.asIt 1s only when theyovercome their fears, become comfortable with thenewenvironment, realize how much of an asset being an Indian inAmerica is and look beyond the difference, can they accept theunlqueness of the soclety they are placed in.'The I>cSic rer;pcnsiblity of an artist is definition, thecreation of that unique inevitability which is the work and towhich there 1s no alternative . ShelHe may write in the endfor an audience but shejhe cannot wrlte as she/he does merelybecause an audience exlsts, wlth an earlier structure ofresponses and expectatlons, The contract between the writer andhls work is an individual, not a social contract.Socialcontract cannot be a requirement in the beginning, though somesocial significance may be achieved in the end. The beginningmust be where it has always remalned-in the creativeconscience of the artists and in the struggle for deflnltionwhlcl? in ,3aoriditlan 01 that conscience. In the dialoguebetween East and West the Indian (Asian)- American can speaktor neither. participant. The presence of two cultures in one'smind forms a wide and saner basis on which to originate thequest for identity.Perhaps one can go further and suggest

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