T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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focuses primarly on the problem between Indians and Whites inNorth America, her next collection of short stories, Theyiddleman Q!&x Stories projects the experience in theunited States of immigrants from Europe, the Carribbean andother parts of Asia as well as India. Some of these stories arerelated from the perspective of White Americans. It chroniclesboth the experience of the Third World people adjusting to anew culture and the reactions of members of their adoptedsoclety. Polly Shulman observes "In Mukher7ee1s books, everyone1s llvlng in a new world, even those who never left home. Astraditions breakdown, the characters must try to make lives outof the pieces". (1988,19) In Tlser's Daushter Mukherjeepresents a satirical portralt of the Ind~an society from theperspective of Tara Banerlee Cartwrlqht, the young expatriatewho 1s not yet accustomed to Amerlcan culture, yet is estrangedfrom the morals and values of her natlve land. John Spurlingstated :the book's strength and oriqlnality comes from itsauthor's subtle use of her herolne, the way she ismade to register the frailties and contradictions ofher ancestral way of llfe, so that the reader, awareat first only that he 1s observing somebodydisoriented and flounderlnq, gradually discoversthat it is not so much she as the world around herthat 1s crumbllnq. (1973,26)Dlmple, the protagonist in Mukherlee's second novel U, is

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