T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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easoned fictional representations of the dilemma faced by the1ndian woman whc seeks more from life then her animal,procreative role In tht! Ilovel. Her individual personalityimprints upon the reader's perception. The character's dilemmabecomes the author's. With such an interesting build-up of goodmaterial to work through, she plunges into melodrama. Thefictional search into the psyche of women uncovers motivationswhich are basic to the undersrandlng of this type ofrelationship. As the writer's view of her craft expands, she isable to generalize and to select from experience, the necessarydetalls-the exact illustrative item whlch is so much moreeffective than the painstaking reproduction of the actual. TheIndlan female, seen at an earlier period through ritualized andindirect perception remained frozen ln that frame. Theresurgence of lnterest in the early hlstory of Indianimmigrants provides actual evidence of this. The simplifiedfictional accounts of Indlan fleeting glrlhood are not equal tothe demands of the complex plural society whlch Americansinhablt. It means that the novelist's capacity for insights andexploration of human nature has not been turned upon theImportant relationship between Indian men and women, whethersexual or otherwise, and between the Indlan woman and thepresent reallty.To understand the origins of the antlthesls of spiritual

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