T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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help. At this point, instead of simply creating a blackbenefactor, Malamud makes the tailor wait: Though desperate,Manischevitz refuses to believe a Negro can be an angel: "Isthls what a Jewish angel looks like ?... . If God sends anangel, why a black? Why not a white that there are so many ofthem? " (MB.47) Levine's own survival is dependant onManisctievitz's ac:crptance. Each has what the other needs.Disappointed through bigotry Levlne departs for Harlem.Malamud has the Jew (Levine) sent to a Negro(Manischevltz) to seek hls assistance on the latter's terms inhls place(Aar1em) tnereby enabling thelr relationship todevelup. Once the tallor professes faith, the miracle canoccur. Levize chanqrs into his old clothes, sheddlng the Harlem~dentity. A flutter of "magniflclent black wlngs" and a fallingwhlte feather indlcate that Levlne too has been rewarded,accepted 11-to heaven. The story ends on a posltlve note withboth ch~racters prospering. The Negro is accepted Only when hesheds hls black ldentity and assures a Jewlsh one. Jewishnessdominates, submerging blackness. There apgears to be no room inheaven for .black' angels as e.$idenced by Manischevitz'sassumpt Lon th,at t hc? hsdveniy feather, llke tne Heavenly Father,I t di.,it.8i:~.t?t.!; I!, aesoclated ~wlth salntllness; blacknesswlth Qecaderce.Malamud appears rc have recognized thls fallacy in lack

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