T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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(w-)-all of whom struggle to escape an unfulfilling~ast. They are in search of a new life and fulfilment. All theeight are defeated in their ambitions. Roy Hobbs fails to turnaway from his suffering and succumbs to materialism byaccepting a bribe. Perhaps Iris Lemon could help him to begin anew life. Frank Alpine assumes the responsibility of thedeceased Morris Bober's family by running his store - out ofa sense Of commitment that is the mixture of a sense of guiltand a vague hope of winning the love of Morris's daughter.Levin sacrifies his career for the principle of love andaccepts responsibility. Yakov Bok prefers prison-life torelease for the sake of all Russlan Jews. Fldelman learns themeaning of love and compassion through self-sacrifice. Lessershuts himself off from humanlty to achieve artisticsatlsfaction of life. Dubln learns that obligation to wife ismore lasting and meaningful than promiscuity and Cohn becomes avlctim of hatred while struggling to lnfuse a sense ofcommunity rnto anlmals.The theme of redemptive suffering in Malamud's works hasthe effect of suggesting a Christian view of salvation.Actually his vislon has its roots in the Old Testament, whilethe Christian idea of salvation derives from the New Testament.Th~s 1s quite essential and fundamental to theUnderstanding of Malamud's writings. The questions that he

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