T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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to every Emerson and a Catherine Mayo to every Emily~~ckinson.....There are the humorous agonlsts like Mark main(who, during his sojourn in India, wished he could be asdecorouSly attired as a chaprasi) And there are too, spiritualdrifters like Henry Adams (who preferred to ... drift betweenthe Buddha and Brahma)". (Raghavacharyulu 1978,30)The best df American fiction has been essentially moresub~ective than objective, more symbolic than realistic. Forthis reason the great American writers have tended to iqnorethe approaches to realistic fictions which were perfected bythe Nineteenth century European masters, electing to worklnstead within frame works made usually out of the experienceand folklore that were most immediate to them. In the recentyears, writers have been reallslng that the wrlter of fictionneeds some institutionalized framework of social stresses andharmonies, automatically recoqnisable to his/her audiencewithin whlch he/she can cast hls/her own visions of truth. Thewrlter of fictron is automatically commited to at least aminlmum of surfact! reallsni in the depletion of hls charactersand his milieu. Speaking generally, the writer's degree ofsuccess in presenting a convincing "slice" of simulated lifewl! determine the cogency of his symbols:The problem of a 'tradition', or a 'usable past'has long been recognized as one of the salient

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