T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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transcend desires, egoistic nature and the dominance of 'I, meand mine' one can remove the frictions in the thought processand lead a life of happiness. The question is how to go aboutlt. In particular Hinduism offers its followers a variety ofchoice in selecting individual ways towards self-realization,Bhakti, Karma and Gnana depending on their inclinations. Thealm of Hinduism is to make man not only a civilized being butalso a self-sufficient being. Along with other immigrants,Bharatl Mukherjee, focuses on Hindu immigrants from India inher later writings.In Middleman and other Stories by enlarging hergeographical and social range, Mukherlee has noticeablysharpened her style of writlng. The Immigrants in her new bookcome fresh to Amerlca from Vietnam, the Carribeans, the Levant,Afganlsthan, the Philippines, Italy, Srilanka and India. Mostof the stories are monologues spoken by immigrants who are inhurry (to settle down) and who do not have the time to indulgeIn the luxury of the retrospective past tense. Eng, theVletnamese chlld rescued by her American father from Saigon andcarried home to Rock Springs trles to mutilate herself bypressing coins into her flesh to protest her forced exile inher father's land. For the young Eng, "to be an immigrant isto be invaded, conquered, colonized; she is Salgon, cruellyencroached on by an alien.. .. The great lesson that the

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