T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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hobblins. Thus Malamud has used consciouslv or notre1igio;s and mythic allu*io&, ao-&ii~~~bb~~ousi;purposeful seasonal changes- the novel move twicefrom ~intery fall to warm spring-- to mark thepattern of death and rebirth. (Hays 1970,222)Frank goes through the rite of initlation begun at Morris'qrocery store culminating in his descent to the grocer's graveand by hls Cir~~m~iSi~n. Impressed by his conversion from aspiritually empty life he experiences resurrection whichprepares him for a new life. Frank's "redemption is madepossible by his uncompromising love for Helen- which provides .the impetus for his commitment to the store". (Baumbach1965,456) Frank's commitment to Judaism is quite evident here.Frank was strongly attracted to Judalsm and to Helen, andwlshed to "belong" to both. The Spartan Moon-goddess was called"Helen", and marriage to her made Menelaus a King. Her name isetymologlcally related to Helle, bright goddess of death andresurrection, To the extent to whlch Helen has redeemed Frankand brought him to his goals, and could bring hlm to others,she remalns a fertility goddess. To emphasize this role ofHelen, Malamud frequently has her described in terms of obviousSymbols of fertility; flowers (harbingers of Spring's renewal)and birds (roosters, the doves of Noah, Aphrodite and Christiansymbolism: the Thanksgiving turkey). Morris thinks Helen "looksllke a little birdU(TA 20) and when Frank sples on her in the

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