T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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the fresh water I bless them with to drink and bathein; the fertile green earth. They tore apart myozone, carbonlted my oxygen acidified my refreshingraln. Now they affront my cosmos. How much shall theLord endure?I made man to be free but his freedom, badly useddestroyed him. In sum the evil overwhelmed the good.Tne Second Flood, this that now subsides on thebroken earth they brought on themselves. They hadnar liv,ed according to the Covenant. (GG 12-13)nalamud gives us another "noble savage" in George, thegorilla. The silent, inoffensive, serviceable gorilla alsobecomes a symbol of Jewlsh endurance in contrast to the noisyand naughty But. He names it George after hrs late wife'sfarher, a dentist who fixed peoples tooth for nothing. Cohn hasto argue a great deal to canvince Buz that there is plenty ofviolence and blood in The New Testament and that Abraham hadnever cut the bcy's (Isaac's) throat: in his place he offered aran) as sacrifice. AS the tribe of the Chimpanzees on the islandIncreases, he usurps the role of z teacher by establishing a'schuoltree'to Impress on the brutes the need for ethicalrestralnt. Cchn's consummation with Mary (the femalechmpanzee, marks his complete identification with the animalslik*! a primit:.virc. It dlso results in the birth of a newspecles of uhunarliod ~nfant, or chimpar.tee-human baby". Cohnhopt!,:. that 'she may some day be the mother of a newer race Ofmen" (iG 165:. As a Malamud herc cohn's only hope could be tosave atlest a single soul before dying. One should remember

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