T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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thought, life and art of Dionysius and Apollo.Malamud begins to look at life now, more from anaesthetic perspective than from the ethical. The tension now isbetween life and beauty, the ebullient processes of experienceand aesthetic form, a tension for the first time fore-shadowedin W U, when Levin had spoken of the "moral aesthetic".~hls perception seems to have been the basis of Fidelman'squest in trying to unify the duality of the Apollonian andDionysian. While both the Apollonian and Dionysian modes areoperative in the single person of Fidelman, they arerepresented by two different individuals in Tenants. Inthese two later novels Malamud attempts to integrate the twomodes. In pictures ef Fidelman and Tenants Halamud islooking beyond the merely ethlcal towards an aesthetic,philosophical and even a religious reality where the art-lifeparadox would cease to be a paradox.The Apollonian-Dionysian dialectic operates in pubinnsalso. Obsessed with the writing of his book on Lawrence,Dubin initially ignores the needs of hls family and friends,for which Kitty repeatedly blames him through out the twentyflveyears of their married life. He hardly cares for his wifeand children who invariably get alienated from him. It is onlyunder the influence of Fanny that Dubin gradually realizes theimportance of participating in life and recognising the needs

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