T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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hlmselr with beinq a craftsman. Glass-blowing is less perfectan art than painting through which Fidelman had tried to stopthe flow of time. First of all, what Fidelman finally blows inglass is a bowl, a container, a practical thing. Secondly thebowl does not stay long, it vanishes the text day and what wascreated to stay independent of time is swept away by thec~rrents of contingencey. The resultant inference is that lifelaunches continuous assault on art and on morality. And the jobof aorality and art is to organise life and to give it form andmeaning.This continual dialectic of art and life, of theAppollcn:.a? ar3 Diorys;an pr-nclple ;s dramatised inE m . Harry L8esser 1s all for ?romotiny the book he writes.He ;s for form and art. as a result of which he is shut off fromthe ,world o,.tui3o. Willie Spearmlnc on the other hand careslittle :orfsriu. His vrlting which grows out of hisovaspower:.ny lova of his people deplcts the dynamism andvarlcr.::, c! the life he has ilved or imagined. Harrypartic~pates LII the lives of others and cannot write his booktowards its conpletion. W~lly tries to practise out, to giveforu to his 3drnit ..mpressions and exepriences of life andloses Irene Eel l, his love in the pro-ess. At the end Williechops c,ff L,ass~!r's 1,al ls and Lesser whacks up Willie's brain.Ihe-r r,,.ar.ual desrrdctlon is also rhe destruction of passion and

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