T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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1 love th~ kind oL man you are, the kind I have tolove' I love you willingly, with all my heart? (NL19;).Eaving gone through the "Malamudian fire of passion andfrustration, sacriflce and insight". Levin finds true freedomin "Liberation from the prison of self'' (Solotaroff 1970,244)Although Levin leaves Cascadia he has not been a completefailure. He has been responsible for kizking out the boringtextbook-'The Elements' being taught for thlrty years. Hissuggestion of 'The Great Books Prcgran' for dlssemination ofgreat literat~re to one and all includlng the students oftechncllsgy is acceptec by the Dean. If L.evln has not succeededIn transforming tho college into a iibera? college, he has beenthe drivrng force behlnd the flexible attitude of theDepartment rodirds nurrlnities and literature.Levln learns certarn laws of polltics from his experienceat Cascadia-Political myth-1) Weak leaders favour weak leadersthemirror principle in politics 2)one becomes his victim'svictlm 3) Stand for something and somebody around will feed thepersecuted. Levin's 'Lawsf app:ty co his own life. Gilleybecomes the irictir. of I,ev;nrs love for Pauline, his wife. ButUltimately L,evln k,3coae.s Gllley's vl.ctlm i.e "Victim's Victim".Lev1:1 stancis fcr a good zausr

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