T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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of glory of human life. By writing biographies, he not onlyfinds himself, but gives profound insight into human life. Hisown adventures often Parallel events In D.H.Lawrencees life:Frieda's elopement with Lawrence, her bltter flght with himjheraffairs with several men and Lawrence's impotence. Towards theend of the struggle Dubin reallses language is not life.Dubln's return with love to Kitty and her children is borne ofhis awareness of commrtment to thelr lot. It 1s an epiphanicact of grace and Zompasslon. Dubrn 1s changed by the epiphanyof Fanny's qurlelcss sympathy for Kitty. Commitment ultimatelygets the better of passion as in Malamud's other works.Malamud's last novel God's Grace presents the traglcIntensity of allenation and the desperate yearning forcommunity In the context of total annihllatlon of llfe.Although thls novel dlffers from the other novels of Malamud,It employs fantasy as technrque and lts essential similaritycould however be traced to his preoccupatlon with compassion asa means of transformatlon and redemption. Presenting aprlmltivistlc settlng ~od's Grace conveys the need ofc0mpass:on through tne synbollc ~xterplay of the noble savageand the ignoble ainll:.zatlcn. The desperate efforts of Cohn tofound a community wlth anlmals, and to create a new societybased on responsibility and Compassionate concern for fellowbelngsreflect Malamud's humanistic fervour and primitivistic

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