T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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~enury without compromising on his moral rectitude. Malamud'sof suffering and compassion is exemplified in MorrisBober. Morris does not go to synagogue, does not eat kesher,and keeps the shop open on Jewish holidays. Yet he considershimself a true Jew. For him Jewishness lles in an ethical lifeof goodness and fellow-feeling. Frank 1s an Immigrant from thewest in search Of better life. He has begun his career as aholdup nik, thief and liar. Ida calls hlm "a man with twominds". He wavers between gullt and remorse, but unlike RoyHobbs of T k Natural he learns from his suffering and overcomeshls weakness with great struggle. After the death of Morris,FranK works for the Bober family upholding the principles ofinterpersonal responsibility and compassion for which Morrlsstrove throughout his life. Helen, Morrls's daughter, isImpressed by Frank and her renewed love for him can beperceived in her remark : "I wanted you to know I'm still usingyour Shakespeare".(TA 36) Although the novel does not bringabout the marrlage of Frank wlth Helen, it leaves a sense ofhope in that dlrectlon. This tale of the relationship betweena poor Jewish grocer and the Italran boy who came to rob himand exchange identities reminds one of a fable of good and badWarrlng for Everyman's Soul in a Morallty play.In a way, asthe title would indicate, it is Frank, rather than Morris onwhom the novel centres.It 1s h ~ moral s regeneration on which

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