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T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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make the Unlted States their permanent home. Whetherperceived through the metaphor of the melting pot,or more fashionable today, through ethnic pluralismAmerica has assimilated and taken its charactersfrom an ertra-ordinary variety of peoples. (Luedtke1987.81.In a world of fast-changinq values and priorities, manhas become vulnerable to new sets of realitles end risks. Thenew reallty may be seen thus:In this century history stopped paylng attention tothe old psycholog~cal orientation of reality. Imearb, these days, character Isn't destiny any more.Economics 1s destlny. Ideology 1s destiny. Bombs aredestlnv. What does a famine. , a aas-chamber. agrenade care how you llved your life? Crisis comes,death comes, and your pathetlc Individual selfdoesn't have a thlng to do wlth lt, only to sufferthe effects.(Rushdle 1987,432).Struggling to define the essence of the new land at thetime of the Amerlcan Revolutlon, the French lmmigrant, Michel-Gullaume Jean de Crevecoeur posed the classic question ofAser;can natlonallty ~n hls Letters from an Amerlcan Farmer:what then 1s the Amerlcan thls new man' He 1s eltheran European, or descendent of an European, hencethat strange rnlxture of blood, whlch you wlll findIn no other country. I would point out to you afanjly wh:~so grandfather was an Englishman, whosewlfe wes Dutch, whose son marrled a French woman,and whose present four sons have now four wives ofdifferent natlons. He is an Amerlcan, who leavingbehind him all hls ancient pre]udioes and manners,receives new ones from the new mode of life he hasembraced, the new government he obeys, and the newrank he holds. He becomes an Amerlcan by belng

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