T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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mutuality of suffering, Of the common human predicament. Theonly morality is that one must suffer with the hope that otherswill suffer less.Morris's experience, 1s In fact, the experience of almostall the characters who Populate Malamud's world : Pop Fisherand even Memo Paris in Tbs Natural ; Breitbart, the light-bulbpedlar, Detective Minogue, father of the criminal Ward, inAssistant; Leo Duffy, Bucket, Avls Fllss, and even the farmerwho asks Levin to pull out an aching tooth with a pair ofpllers, ln A && j&s; Bibikov, Kogrn, and Zinaida inFixer; the plmps in picture? of Fidelman; Mary Kettlesmith,Willle and Levenspiel In The Tenants ; Oscar Greenfeld, Gerald,Maud , the waiter in the Venetian restaurant, and Fanny'smother ln Dubln's Llves. The experlence of suffering isunlversal and rnescapable. All experlence In tlme-of love,hate, friendship, charlty, 1s defined by the reality ofsuffering.The NaturaL is quite different in both subject andtreatment from the short-storles and his later full-lengthfictions. H1s concerns In thls only non-Jewish novel is withthe "schlemiel" hero, the eternal vlctim overtaken by fate,morality, false love versus real, and the meaning of sufferlngIn a man's life. ~t 1s a tragi-comic baseball yarn in which ateam 1s pulled out of earller disasters by Roy Hobbs, an

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