T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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agreement wrth the tradrtronal Jewlsh view of messianicredemption as "a hope for an earthly paradise of love andlearning, (and) a Utapian vision of a region of social justiceand decency."(Landis 1967,114) In a world of chaos andsuffering, the morality of mentnshlekhkayat becomes acompensation for suffering or a mltlgation of it.The pattern of the protagonist's moral growth terminateswith his recognition of the grossness of his initial dream,preceded and supported by hrs self-discovery, and a certainknowledge of the world which in its turn deflned the self. Atthe sametime, the terminal polnt marks the emergence in theprotagonists, of a new set of values equipped with which hewill launch on his second quest, the quest for heroism. Thecontours of a real new llfe, of a better life, are now vlsible.So begins a fresh struggle wlth the world by which theprotagonist will assert hlmself, wlll deflne and evaluate theworld in hls own terms and flnally transcend it.The pattern includes sltuations in which the strong,lnstrnctlve imprlses of the heart - plty, love, guilt, hateetC. become powerfully engaged. These feellngs connected withblood are generated by the protagonist's involvement in somebaslc human relationship, sometimes sought by him and sometimesinflicted upon him. The distinctron, however, gets blurred as

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