T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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emphaoising the sense of community and felt responsibility forthe fellow being". (Knopp 1975,7) Knopp has examined how*mentshlekhkaYtl is put on trial in the works of IB singer,Nelly Saohs, Andre Schwazbart, Elie Wiesel, Saul Bellow andBernard Malamud. Theodore Solataroff traces the process ofmoral development in Bellow, Rosenfeld, Malamud, Gold, and Rothand asserts that these writers delineate "life's losers andvictims with deep compassion" and guard "thelr pity from thesentimentality". ( 1959,96) Knopp further Illustrates that"'Mentshlekhkayat' also encompasses the very strong sense ofcommunity that has traditionally been a feature of Jewish life.The paramount characteristic of this community feeling is themoral imperative of man's responsiblllty to his fellow man".(1975,7)Llke compassion, the code also recognlses the "human"element In man-the presence of opposing tendencies towards goodand evil within man. But lt has an "implicit faith in themoral significance of man's actlons, the falth that man has thepower withln him to effect changes In the world for good or for111, and that he has the obllgatlon to apply thrs power in thecause of goodU(~nopp 1975.7) The code 1s pragmatic and choosesto concern itself wlth the livlng condition of man rather thanthe salvation of hjs soul. Redemptlon 1s sought here in thlsworld itself-in an ethical uprightness. The code is in

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