T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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::rlmir,dl ;riece-neal and t h i suffering redeems the,,inir 31 !transqressor wt.0 has made a self assertion in histher,,-ts of crimeltrarsgrassi on.The spiritual punishment both in Malamud and Mukherjee,which comes from within works for the salvation of thetransgressor in a mysterious way. Because of his transgression,the individual is isolated not only morally but alsopsychologically: in asserting one side of hls self in anc):tramlty, he alienates himself fron the cther side of his selfdnC this aller-ation is reflected In thls estrangement from hisfel'low human beings. However individ,ualrstic 'le may be, her:avno? he t.rue tc t.he oneside of his self, but should realisethe 5eepr.r Cora, of iumanlty embodied ln t,*e ldral self which heha?. I:,!;t In the crlmlla? interval. The re-assertion of theecllpsei self in the form of self-effacement runs parallel tohls acceptance of the external reallty, the law of which he hastransgressed rn his transgression. So the psycho-moralisc~ation rs broKen through hrs communion flrst with hisecllpsed self and then with his fellow human beings and thisconmu7lon 1s aci-leved thrmgh his 'confessron' flrst to himselfand then to a fellow human being who 1s capable ofUnderstanding him. Terrence Doody says, "a confession is thedelihe:ate, self-conscious attempt of an individual to explainhls nature to the audience who rerresents the kind of ~0IUmunity

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