T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal

T 1290.pdf - Pondicherry University DSpace Portal


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~shoka Mehta kindles the dying embers of hope in her life, whenshe has by clrcumstance, become a rootless, wandering tenant.'Danny's Glrls' deals wlth 'Proxy-marriage' and'permanent residencef In the United States. Dinesh, a twentyyear old, Dogra boy from Slmla 1s Danny in Flusinq, the UnitedStates of America. He took out ads in papers in India promising"Guaranteed permanent Resident status In the United States" togrooms wllllng to proxy-marry Amerlcan glrls of Indian orlgrn.~s arranged qblte a few. "The brldes and grooms dldn't have tollve wlth each other, or even meet or see each other!"(MOS142). The story 1s narrated by an Afrlcan teenager whoseparents had been bounced from Uganda by Id1 Amln and barredfrom England by Pdrllament. The boy develops a fancy for Rosle,a beauty from Kathmandu, Nepal. He was runnlnq errands for herand Danny. Unable to stand Danny calllnq hlm 'a bl]ra',(eunuch)he I.ebolts one day " to llberate Rosle and myselfU(N0S 148)The lmmlgrant as a newcomer, a seeker, a travellerattemptlnqto enter Amerlca illegally 1s traced well in "BuriedLlves". "Burled Llves" 1s the story of a forty-nlne year oldschoo~ teacher. Venkazesan, from Trlncomalle, SrlLanka.Even as an adolescent he'd battened down all hispasslon; whlle other students had sllpped love noteslnto expectant palms, he'd studied, he'd passedexams. Dutifulness had turned him lnto a parlah (MOS154).

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