CUPTI User's Guide

CUPTI User's Guide

CUPTI User's Guide


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flags Flags controlling the reading modeeventValueBufferSizeBytes The size of eventValueBuffer in bytes, and returns thenumber of bytes written to eventValueBuffereventValueBuffer Returns the event valueseventIdArraySizeBytes The size of eventIdArray in bytes, and returns the number ofbytes written to eventIdArrayeventIdArray Returns the IDs of the events in the same order as the values return ineventValueBuffer.numEventIdsRead Returns the number of event IDs returned inReturn values:<strong>CUPTI</strong>_SUCCESS<strong>CUPTI</strong>_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED<strong>CUPTI</strong>_ERROR_HARDWARE<strong>CUPTI</strong>_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION if eventGroup is disabled<strong>CUPTI</strong>_ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER if eventGroup,eventValueBufferSizeBytes, eventValueBuffer, eventIdArraySizeBytes,eventIdArray or numEventIdsRead is NULLCUptiResult cuptiEventGroupReadEvent (CUpti_EventGroupeventGroup, CUpti_ReadEventFlags flags, CUpti_EventIDevent, size_t ∗ eventValueBufferSizeBytes, uint64_t ∗eventValueBuffer)Read the value for an event in an event group. The event value is returned in theeventValueBuffer buffer. eventValueBufferSizeBytes indicates the size of theeventValueBuffer buffer. The buffer must be at least sizeof(uint64) if<strong>CUPTI</strong>_EVENT_GROUP_ATTR_PROFILE_ALL_DOMAIN_INSTANCES is not seton the group containing the event. The buffer must be at least (sizeof(uint64) ∗ number ofdomain instances) if<strong>CUPTI</strong>_EVENT_GROUP_ATTR_PROFILE_ALL_DOMAIN_INSTANCES is set onthe group.If any instance of an event counter overflows, the value returned for that event instancewill be <strong>CUPTI</strong>_EVENT_OVERFLOW.The only allowed value for flags is <strong>CUPTI</strong>_EVENT_READ_FLAG_NONE.Reading an event from a disabled event group is not allowed.Parameters:eventGroup The event groupCUDA Tools SDK <strong>CUPTI</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong> DA-05679-001_v01 | 94

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