CUPTI User's Guide

CUPTI User's Guide

CUPTI User's Guide


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void∗ CUpti_ActivityMemcpy::reserved0Undefined. Reserved for internal use.uint32_t CUpti_ActivityMemcpy::runtimeCorrelationIdThe runtime correlation ID of the memory copy. Each memory copy is assigned a uniqueruntime correlation ID that is identical to the correlation ID in the runtime API activityrecord that launched the memory copy.uint8_t CUpti_ActivityMemcpy::srcKindThe source memory kind read by the memory copy, stored as a byte to reduce record size.See also:CUpti_ActivityMemoryKinduint64_t CUpti_ActivityMemcpy::startThe start timestamp for the memory copy, in ns.uint32_t CUpti_ActivityMemcpy::streamIdThe ID of the stream where the memory copy is occurring.CUDA Tools SDK <strong>CUPTI</strong> User’s <strong>Guide</strong> DA-05679-001_v01 | 57

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