Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010Rebalancing Investment to Meet Global Requirementsenables the Department to maintain air superiority in the short‐range air‐to‐airmissile arena through the missile’s ability to counter current and emerging threatsagainst enemies using infrared countermeasures. The AIM‐9X complements theAdvanced Medium Range Air‐to‐Air Missile (AMRAAM), a next‐generation, allweather,all‐environment radar‐guided missile that is designed to counter existingair vehicle threats having advanced electronic attack capabilities operating at high orlow altitude. Upgrades to the AMRAAM incorporate an active radar in conjunctionwith an inertial reference unit and microcomputer system which makes the missileless dependent upon the aircraft fire control system. This advanced capabilityenables the pilot to aim and fire several missiles at multiple targets.The Joint Standoff Weapon (JSOW) is a1,000‐pound‐class, air‐to‐ground weapon,which carries several different lethalpackages. JSOW procurement in FY 2011and beyond focuses on the “unitary”variant, which carries the Broach LethalPackage warhead system and provides aunique autonomous capability to engageand destroy a variety of point targetsvulnerable to blast and fragmentation kill mechanisms.The AGM‐88E Advanced Anti‐Radiation Guided Munition (AARGM) programupgrades the legacy AGM‐88 High Speed Anti‐Radiation Missile (HARM) withmulti‐mode guidance and targeting capability. The AARGM systems developmentand demonstration program will integrate multi‐mode guidance (passive antiradiationhoming/active millimeter wave radar/global positioning system/inertialnavigation system) on the HARM AGM‐88 missile. LRIP 1 deliveries are scheduledto commence in FY 2010, with FY 2011 funding providing for procurement of 44modification kits for All Up Rounds and Captive Air Training missiles.Capitalizing on previous Army efforts and Congressional support, the firstprocurement of the Advanced Precision Kill Weapons System (APKWS) will occurin FY 2010. APKWS will provide a relatively inexpensive, small, lightweight,precision‐guided weapon that is effective against soft and lightly armored targetsand which enhances crew survivability with increased standoff range. APKWSoffers precision, maximum kills per aircraft sortie, minimum potential for collateraldamage, and increased effectiveness over legacy unguided rockets.FY 2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong> 5–19

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