Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010Rebalancing Investment to Meet Global Requirementsexisting torpedo, optimizing the weapon for both deep and littoral waters andadding advanced counter‐countermeasure capabilities.The MK 54 lightweight torpedo is used to attack submarines from surface andairborne platforms and is the payload for the vertical launched anti‐submarinerocket. The MK 54 lightweight torpedo uses existing torpedo hardware and softwarefrom the MK 46, MK 48, and MK 50 torpedo programs and adds state‐of‐the‐artCOTS digital signal‐processing technology to provide improved performanceagainst modern day threats. Torpedo production deficiencies have been correctedand the Department plans to award a combined FY 2010 and FY 2011 competitivecontract in the first quarter of FY 2011.Several land attack research and development effortscritical to future littoral warfare continue in FY 2011,including the Advanced Gun System (AGS), the NavalFire Control System (NFCS), and the DistributedCommon Ground System (DCGS). The <strong>Navy</strong> has recentlycompleted an Analysis of Alternatives to identifymaterial solutions to joint fires capability gaps. The AGSwill provide a modular, electric motor driven gun (nohydraulics) with an automated magazine handlingsystem and will be capable of engaging targets ashore using the Long Range LandAttack Projectile (LRLAP) at ranges greater than 62 nautical miles. The NFCS andDCGS will use existing fire control infrastructure to serve as the nerve center forsurface land attack by automating shipboard land attack battle management duties,incorporating improved land attack weapons systems, and utilizing battlefielddigitization.Aircraft WeaponsAircraft weapons in the force applicationcapability portfolio arm the warfighter withlethal, interoperable, and cost effectiveweapons systems. The AIM‐9X(Sidewinder) missile is a “launch‐andleave”air combat munition that employspassive infrared energy for acquisition andtracking of enemy aircraft. The continuedprocurement of the AIM‐9X in FY 20115–18 FY 2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>

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