Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010Rebalancing Investment to Meet Global RequirementsF/A‐18A/B/C/D for the Marine Corps. The F‐35B will also replace the Sea Harrierand GR‐7 for the United Kingdom. The F‐35C carrier variant provides the <strong>Navy</strong>with a multi‐role stealthy strike fighter to complement the F/A‐18. With improvedstealth and countermeasures, the F‐35 incorporates the latest available technologyfor advanced avionics, data links and adverse weather precision targeting. It hasincreased range and includes weaponry upgrades which are superior to theweapons currently employed in the fleet. This state of the art aircraft will enable the<strong>Navy</strong> and Marine Corps team to command and maintain global air superiority in anincreasingly dynamic and dangerous world. FY 2011 is the fourth LRIP for STOVLvariant and the second for the carrier variant with thirteen and seven aircraftrespectively.The Super Hornet (F/A‐18E/F) currently leads naval aviation in the fighter/attackrole. The FY 2011 budget continues single year procurement of twenty‐twoF/A‐18E/F aircraft. F/A‐18E/F production has also been extended until FY 2013 toenable the procurement of an additional 26 EA‐18G aircraft in FY 2011 and FY2012.The EA‐18G Growler, which replaces theEA‐6B, continues to assume the airborneelectronic attack role, supporting alloperational requirements and fullyintegrating into strike packages. Ongoingjoint demand for electronic attack in theaterhas led the Department of Defense tocancel the retirement of four <strong>Navy</strong>expeditionary EA‐6B squadrons. TheEA‐6B aircraft will be extended until 2014 and replaced with twenty‐six additionalEA‐18G aircraft procured in FY 2011 and FY 2012 to provide a joint, long‐termexpeditionary electronic attack capability. To this end, the FY 2011 budget increasesprocurement of EA‐18G aircraft to twelve, and delays the combined F/A‐18E/F andEA‐18G production line shutdown until 2013.The E‐2D Advanced Hawkeye program continues Low Rate Initial Production withthe procurement of four aircraft in FY 2011. This next generation, carrier based earlywarning, command and control aircraft will provide improved battle spacedetection, support Theater Air Missile Defense (TAMD), and offer improvedoperational availability. The E‐2D combined with SM‐6, Cooperative EngagementCapability (CEC) and the AEGIS combat system is a key component of NavalIntegrated Fire Control – Counter Air (NIFC‐CA), enabling use of the missile at its5–10 FY 2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>

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