Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010Rebalancing Investment to Meet Global Requirementswill supplement the current maritime prepositioning force and will provide intheatercapability to support resupplying a Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB).The FY 2011 budget procures the <strong>Navy</strong>’s third Joint High Speed Vessel (JHSV) andsupports COCOM requirements for the rapid intra‐theater lift of medium payloadsof military rolling stock and cargo along with cohesive units of military personnel.The Landing Craft Air Cushion (LCAC)craft modernization program continueswith a service life extension for four craftin FY 2011. LCACs provide rapid overthe horizon movement of USMC forcesfrom the sea base to the beach.Additionally, the budget requests RDT&Efunding to procure the lead Ship to ShoreConnector (SSC), which is the follow‐onto the LCAC program.Ship Research and DevelopmentCVN 21The research and development effort for the CVN 78 Class is comprised of theCarrier Systems Development Program, the Advanced Nuclear Power SystemsProgram, and the Ship Contract Design/Live Fire Testing and EvaluationProgram. The Carrier Systems Development Program includes development of shiphull, mechanical, propulsion, electrical, aviation, and combat support systems,subsystems and components to significantly improve aircraft carrier affordability,manpower requirements, survivability, and operational capabilities. The FY 2011budget also includes $50.3 million for the Electro Magnetic Aircraft Launch System(EMALS) and $33 million for the Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) system. EMALSwill replace the current steam catapult on CVN 78 Class ships. The Ship ContractDesign/Live Fire Testing and Evaluation Program includes $21 million fordevelopment and related testing of CVN 78 Class aircraft carrier specifictechnologies.DDG 1000DDG 1000 research and development continues to fund development of the DDG1000 Total Ship Computing Environment (TSCE) software releases. The FY 2011budget includes $581 million for the final software release (SR6), containing tactical5–6 FY 2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>

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