Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010Rebalancing Investment to Meet Global Requirementscruisers to 35 years. The FY 2011 budget includes funds for the sixth CG Modavailability and the long lead‐time procurement of equipment for the modernizationof three CGs.The Guided Missile Destroyer (DDG 51 Class) Modernization program (DDG Mod)is a significant, integrated advancement in class combat systems and HM&Esystems. This investment enables core modernization of DDG combat systems tokeep pace with the 2020 threat environment and extend the mission service life ofthe ships to 35 years. Enhancements added to the program are included in the areasof air dominance, force protection, C4I, and mission life extension upgrades. TheFY 2011 budget includes funds for three DDG Modernization availabilities and thelong lead‐time procurement of equipment for the modernization of five DDGs.Submarine ProgramsThe <strong>Navy</strong> continues the effort to modernize the fleet ofsubmarines. Virginia Class fast attack submarines arejoining the existing fleet of Los Angeles and SeawolfClass submarines to provide covert force applicationthroughout the world’s oceans. Construction of theVirginia Class continues to be performed under ateaming arrangement between General DynamicsElectric Boat and Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding,Newport News. The sixth Virginia Class submarine(SSN‐779) was delivered to the fleet in December 2009.FY 2009 funded the first of eight Virginia Classsubmarines under a new multi‐year procurement(MYP) contract awarded in December 2008. FY 2011 funds the third and fourthVirginia Class submarines in the MYP contract and advance procurement fundingfor future submarines, including economic order quantity procurements to achievesavings under the MYP contract. The Department will continue to procure twoSSNs per year in the FYDP.Logistics PlatformsThe Department intends to procure a Mobile Landing Platform (MLP) in FY 2011,leveraging advance procurement in FY 2010. Two more MLPs will be procured inFY 2013 and FY 2015, providing the required at‐sea surface connector capability.These planned MLP’s, a lower‐cost commercial variant of the MPF(F) MLP program,FY 2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong> 5–5

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