Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010Rebalancing Investment to Meet Global RequirementsSurface combatants are the workhorses of our Fleet and central to our traditional<strong>Navy</strong> core capabilities. The <strong>Navy</strong> is concerned about evolving capability gaps in theouter air battle in the blue water, particularly against improved ballistic missilecapabilities emerging worldwide. The FY 2011 budget requests funding for twoDDG 51s, a proven, multi‐mission guided missile destroyer and one of the <strong>Navy</strong>’smost capable ships against ballistic missile threats.The Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) is a fast, agile and stealthy surface combatantcapable of operating against anti‐access, asymmetric threats in the littorals. LCS willinfluence behavior and deter adversaries by its ability to operate in environmentspreviously impractical for larger multi‐mission ships. LCS uses architectures andinterfaces that permit tailoring tactical capabilities to various LCS missions. Thesemission module packages are easily interchangeable as operational conditionswarrant. The primary mission areas of LCS are small boat prosecution; minecounter measures; shallow water antisubmarinewarfare; and intelligence,surveillance, and reconnaissance activities.Secondary missions include homeland defense,maritime interception, and special operationforces support. The LCS program deliveredthe second LCS, USS Independence, inDecember 2009. LCS‐3 and LCS‐4 were fundedin FY 2009 and have been awarded. In FY2010, as a result of a revised acquisition strategy, the Department intends to procuretwo LCSs by pursuing a downselect strategy in order to further reduce cost and riskto the program. In FY 2011, the Department is budgeting for procurement of twomore LCSs along with an investment in advance procurement for economic orderquantities for future ships. Across the FYDP, the Department re‐phased the LCSprocurement profile to achieve steady state procurement while maintaining thesame inventory objective of 55 ships and bringing on a second shipbuilder inFY 2012.The Guided Missile Cruiser (CG 47 Class) modernization program (CG Mod)supports modernization of the AEGIS cruisers, commencing with the older Baseline2 and 3 ships. The CG Mod program delivers rapid introduction of critical newwarfighting capabilities by providing enhanced air dominance and C4I capabilities,an improved gun weapon system and force protection systems, and a commercialoff‐the‐shelf (COTS) computing architecture. Hull, mechanical and electrical(HM&E) upgrades will also contribute to extending the mission service life of the5–4 FY 2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>

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