Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010List of AcronymsLIST OF ACRONYMSAAAG – Advanced Arresting GearAAR‐ Autonomous Aerial RefuelingAARGM ‐ Advanced Anti‐Radiation GuidedMissileAC ‐ Active ComponentACE – Air Combat ElementADCAP – Advanced CapabilityADNS ‐ Automated Digital NetworkingSystemAE – Ammunition ShipAGS ‐ Advanced Gun SystemAIS ‐ Automatic Identification SystemALMDS ‐ Airborne Laser Mine DetectionSystemAMF – Airborne Mobile FixedAMNS ‐ Airborne Mine NeutralizationSystemAMRAAM ‐ Advanced Medium Range Airto‐AirMissileAPKWS ‐ Advanced Precision Kill WeaponSystemARRA – American Recovery andReinvestment ActASW – Anti‐Submarine WarfareBBA ‐ <strong>Budget</strong> AuthorityBAMS ‐ Broad Area Maritime SurveillanceBOS – Base Operating SupportBPR – Business Process ReengineeringBRAC ‐ Base Realignment and ClosureCCAC2S ‐ Common Aviation Command andControl SystemsCANES ‐ Consolidated Afloat Networks andEnterprises ServicesCBASS ‐ Common Broadband AdvancedSonar SystemCEC ‐ Cooperative Engagement CapabilityCENTCOM ‐ US Central CommandCG ‐ CruiserCNO ‐ Chief of Naval OperationsCOBRA ‐ Coastal Battlefield Reconnaissanceand AnalysisCOC ‐ Combat Operations CenterCOCOMs ‐ Combatant CommandersCOMOPTEVFOR – Commander, OperationalTest and Evaluation ForceCONPLAN ‐ Contingency PlanCONUS – Continental United StatesCOTS ‐ Commercial Off‐the‐ShelfCPI – Continuous Process ImprovementCSGs ‐ Carrier Strike GroupsCSTRS ‐ Carriage, Stream, Tow, andRecovery SystemCTOL ‐ Conventional Take Off and LandingCVN – Nuclear Aircraft CarrierCVW – Carrier Air WingC2 – Command and ControlC2P ‐ Command and Control ProcessorC4I ‐ Command, Control, Communication,Computers and IntelligenceC4ISR ‐ Command, Control,Communications, Computer, IntelligenceSurveillance and ReconnaissanceDDAWDF – Defense Acquisition WorkforceDevelopment FundDCGS ‐ Distributed Common Ground SystemDCMO – Deputy Chief Management OfficerDDG – Guided Missile DestroyerD&I ‐ Discovery and InventionDJC2 – Deployable Joint Command andControlDLA ‐ Defense Logistics AgencyDoD – Department of Defense<strong>DON</strong> – Department of the <strong>Navy</strong>DPRI ‐ Defense Policy Review InitiativeDSRA – Docking Selective RestrictedAvailabilityEFY 2010 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong> Appendix B‐1

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