Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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February 2010Rebalancing to Meet Prioritiesnations. In total, 100,049 patients were treated, 1,657 surgeries were conducted,15,003 dental patients were seen, and 13,238 animals were treated. 13 constructionprojects were completed, ranging from minor renovations of facilities to new schoolbuildings. Additionally, 17 community relations projects were begun. Therelationships built and sustained with our multinational partners through exercisesand professional exchanges such as Continuing Promise 2009 enrich ourhumanitarian efforts and preserve peace and stability in the region.Implementation of this cooperative maritime strategy requires that the <strong>Navy</strong> andMarine Corps demonstrate flexibility, adaptability and unity of effort in evolving tomeet the enduring and emerging challenges and opportunities ahead. We must beprepared to respond to global crises in ways ranging from peacetime presence tofull‐scale war. Specific initiatives in support of this strategy must be vetted andtested through experimentation, wargaming, and continued operational experience.DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVY PRIORITIESOur objectives and priorities are aligned with the National Defense Strategy and willprovide real benefit to the nation in the fulfillment of our responsibilities to maintaina capable <strong>Navy</strong> and Marine Corps as we build towards a new national andtransnational seapower strategy. Major priorities and initiatives are summarizedbelow. Within our topline, the Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> has prioritized ourresources to address the basic tenets of prevailing in today’s wars, preventing anddeterring conflict, preparing for a wide range of contingencies, and preserving andenhancing the force.ALIGNMENT WITH DEFENSE STRATEGY• Prevailing in Today’s Wars. Todayour Marines and Sailors areundertaking a myriad of missions,from combat operations in themountains of Afghanistan tohumanitarian assistance in Africa.We are a forward deployed force.To put this request in today’scontext, 37% of our ships aredeployed on any single day, the Marine Corps has 26,000 personnel deployedworld wide and the <strong>Navy</strong> has 53,000 sailors deployed. Those Sailors andFY 2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong> 1‐7

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