Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy

Budget Highlights Book - DON FM&C Website - U.S. Navy


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Improving Performance February 2010<strong>DON</strong> OBJECTIVES AND PERFORMANCE METRICSThe Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> FY 2011 performance metrics are aligned with theNational Defense Strategy and the FY 2010 QDR Risk Management Framework asillustrated in Figure 44. As an organizing framework, the 2010 QDR used riskcategories that have been employed since 2001. The Department’s goals are alignedto this framework as follows:Operational Risk – Goals for minimizing operational risk include ensuring forceavailability, maintaining force readiness, shaping force posture and linkingcontingency planning to capabilities and resources.Force Management Risk – Goals related to this category include maintaining aquality force, ensuring sustainable military tempo and workforce satisfaction,maintaining reasonable force costs and shaping the force for the future.Future Challenges Risk – Goals to minimize future challenges risk include drivinginnovative joint operations, defining human capital skills and competencies,developing more effective organizations and dividing and developingtransformation capabilities.Institutional Risk – Institutionalizing capabilities based planning, improvingfinancial management, and driving acquisition excellence; improving the readinessand quality of key facilities, managing overhead/indirect cost and realigningsupport to the warfighter are goals affecting institutional risk.Throughout this overview book, we have addressed our metrics as well as theDepartment of the <strong>Navy</strong> goals and objectives. Many of these metrics are alsocontained in budget justification materials supporting our budget request. The tablewhich follows provides page references to the performance information contained inthis document supporting current <strong>DON</strong> objectives and the FY 2011 budgetsubmission.7‐6 FY2011 Department of the <strong>Navy</strong> <strong>Budget</strong>

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