self evaluation report - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină ...

self evaluation report - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină ... self evaluation report - Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină ...


(CNFIS and CNCSIS). The amount of attracted funds in this national competition among the state universities continuously increased in the past four years. The dedicated funds for investments in infrastructure and refurbishing are also partially covered by governmental funds. The university funds are used for covering the regular expenditures (personnel costs, investments in infrastructure development and refurbishing, utilities, etc.), and for financing strategic priorities. In 2011, the total university budget was of 57,640,811 ROL, out of which 38,37% from governmental financing, 47,53% from RTD (research projects; education and training grants and contracts; technological, educational and career development projects) and 14,10% from other funds. The evolution of financing during 2007-2011 is detailed in Appendix – Funding, outlining that, while the total university budget increased in the last years, the percentage of the governmental funds is constantly decreasing. Faced with this challenge it was needed a sound financial management, combining quality assurance and the efficient use of funds in accordance to the university strategic options. The financial evaluation of the teaching/ training programs in faculties (and starting with 2010, in the B-M-D training lines), is one significant part of this management. The funds attracted through research projects are spent according to the approved budget of each project. The level of overheads in grants and contracts is yearly voted by the University Senate, and is used to support the projects’ development. Starting with 2008, 15% of the overheads are returned to the RTD departments where the projects were developed, and can be used for equipment purchase and maintenance, materials, consumables, mobility, conference fees. Yearly, part of the budget is used by the university management for implementing new initiatives. The initiatives are discussed and validated in the University Senate and are covering topics of interest for the entire academic community. Some examples are: the University Library refurbished and fully modernized during 2007-2008; multi-media in all the university lecture halls; Internet rooms with free access for students; Internet access in the students’ residences. Beginning with 2012, the university finances internal research grants for young teachers, in different priority areas, established by the RTD department. Every year, in December, the Rector presents the “Annual Report” as a “university status”, including all aspects of the university activity, from teaching, to research and strategic developments, human resources performances, students, services for the community, financial outputs. The Report is validated by the Senate and represents one point considered in the decision-making process for the next year. To be dependent on public funding is unavoidable for a state university but, heavily depending on public funding represent a continuous risk of under-financing and consequently of limited progress. Therefore, the management decisions made aims for increasing the amount and share of attracted funds. The decisions are formulated by the university Senate Board, are validated by the Senate and are implemented at the levels of faculties, chairs, RTD departments and university’s departments. The staff that has to face these challenges and the new legislation (for higher education, employment, human resources, accounting, etc.), is trained. 5. QUALITY ASSESSMENT PRACTICES USAMV Cluj-Napoca is recognized, at national level, as a representative higher education institution in developing and implementing quality assurance, being one of the first universities in Romania that implemented and certified a quality management system (QMS) based on the ISO 9001 model, since 2004. The QMS implementation was systematically approached within the university, and recognized by national authorities. USAMV Cluj-Napoca implemented adequate tools for the internal quality assurance and the evaluation of the study programs, for academic staff evaluation, for research, and for the administration performance. The continuous improvement of education and research quality and effectiveness, the students’ involvement into the internal quality assurance process, their active participation into the decision making process at university/faculty level, and into the evaluation of teaching activity, represent key-elements of the university sustainability. Page 19 SELF-EVALUATION REPORT, March, 2012

The university approach to the quality acquired a new relevance and dimension since 2008, when the QMS was harmonized with the new requirements and its efficiency extended and increased. The Department of Quality Assurance (DAC), the Commission for Quality Evaluation and Assurance at the university level (CEAC), and the faculty representatives, were set up, and at the same time the students’ representatives were involved, as partners within the quality evaluation and assurance processes. The role of the Quality Assurance Department (DAC) was re-assessed, currently operating under the direct supervision of the Vice-Rector’s for Quality Assurance. The activity of the quality structures is analyzed yearly and the report is published on the university’s website. In this respect, it should be stressed that the implication of the CEAC members is less extended as targeted, resulting in their limited participation in the quality evaluation actions, staff training and quality data communication at the faculty and study program level. The QMS processes have been defined, covering all the activities of the university: education, research, administration, relations with the extra-academic environment, students’ services and last, but not least, the management processes (see: Appendix – QMS documents). Processes, mechanisms, procedures and instruments for quality planning, management and assurance have been developed and published on the university’s web site. The priority has been addressed to the learning and research processes, therefore it is a current need for completing the administrative and management instruments for quality assurance. The procedures are developed by the DAC in cooperation with CEAC, are approved by the University Senate, are published on the university website, and operate complementary to the University Internal Regulations. Every year new procedures are completed and the existing ones are updated/ improved. This is an on-going process since the legislation is changing and the procedures permanently need to be updated, and improved. An important role in quality assurance has the quality internal audit, in multiple ways: � Institutional internal evaluation is yearly performed by CEAC, with the support of DAC, resulting into a report presented to the University Senate and published on the website. The conclusions are further used by the top management in developing a SWOT analysis, aiming to address the identified weak points within the action plan, for quality improvement. � Internal evaluation of the study programs is performed annually, under the coordination of the study program coordinator and with the support of the quality structures. � External evaluation of study programs is performed by ARACIS. During the academic year 2009-2010, the Institutional Evaluation was done, as well as a number of 5 study programs were externally evaluated (4 bachelor study programs and 1 master program ), all of them receiving the high confidence qualification. � The evaluation of the research activity performed by the academic staff is annually performed, using online evaluation software, based on national evaluation criteria and on internal standards. � An online tool is also used for the evaluation of the academic staff by students, after each exam session, but a weak involvement of students in evaluating teachers/ courses performance was registered until now. Further positive developments are expected based on feedback actions to the students’ ideas formulated during the evaluation process. � The overall evaluation of teaching staff is annually performed within the university chairs, by the head of the chair, including self-assessment, peer review and assessment by students. Individual assessment results are used at the department, faculty and university level, to establish corrective measures and decisions making on the teaching staff reward/ forfeit. An increased pro-active attitude of the Alumni Association is also expected to improve the external evaluation process. In order to enhance the functionality of the ALUMNI Association, USAMV Cluj-Napoca has developed a database of contact information for its graduates and an Alumni Panel will follow. Data collection, processing and analysis on quality evaluation are developed in a systematic way; the CEAC and their branches at study program level are in charge with data collection and analysis. The results of evaluation Page 20 SELF-EVALUATION REPORT, March, 2012

(CNFIS and CNCSIS). The amount of attracted funds in this national competition among the state universities<br />

continuously increased in the past four years. The <strong>de</strong>dicated funds for investments in infrastructure and<br />

refurbishing are also partially covered by governmental funds. The university funds are used for covering the<br />

regular expenditures (personnel costs, investments in infrastructure <strong>de</strong>velopment and refurbishing, utilities,<br />

etc.), and for financing strategic priorities.<br />

In 2011, the total university budget was of 57,640,811 ROL, out of which 38,37% from governmental financing,<br />

47,53% from RTD (research projects; education and training grants and contracts; technological, educational<br />

and career <strong>de</strong>velopment projects) and 14,10% from other funds. The evolution of financing during 2007-2011<br />

is <strong>de</strong>tailed in Appendix – Funding, outlining that, while the total university budget increased in the last years,<br />

the percentage of the governmental funds is constantly <strong>de</strong>creasing. Faced with this challenge it was nee<strong>de</strong>d a<br />

sound financial management, combining quality assurance and the efficient use of funds in accordance to the<br />

university strategic options. The financial <strong>evaluation</strong> of the teaching/ training programs in faculties (and<br />

starting with 2010, in the B-M-D training lines), is one significant part of this management.<br />

The funds attracted through research projects are spent according to the approved budget of each project.<br />

The level of overheads in grants and contracts is yearly voted by the University Senate, and is used to support<br />

the projects’ <strong>de</strong>velopment. Starting with 2008, 15% of the overheads are returned to the RTD <strong>de</strong>partments<br />

where the projects were <strong>de</strong>veloped, and can be used for equipment purchase and maintenance, materials,<br />

consumables, mobility, conference fees.<br />

Yearly, part of the budget is used by the university management for implementing new initiatives. The<br />

initiatives are discussed and validated in the University Senate and are covering topics of interest for the<br />

entire aca<strong>de</strong>mic community. Some examples are: the University Library refurbished and fully mo<strong>de</strong>rnized<br />

during 2007-2008; multi-media in all the university lecture halls; Internet rooms with free access for stu<strong>de</strong>nts;<br />

Internet access in the stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ resi<strong>de</strong>nces. Beginning with 2012, the university finances internal research<br />

grants for young teachers, in different priority areas, established by the RTD <strong>de</strong>partment.<br />

Every year, in December, the Rector presents the “Annual Report” as a “university status”, including all<br />

aspects of the university activity, from teaching, to research and strategic <strong>de</strong>velopments, human resources<br />

performances, stu<strong>de</strong>nts, services for the community, financial outputs.<br />

The Report is validated by the Senate and represents one point consi<strong>de</strong>red in the <strong>de</strong>cision-making process for<br />

the next year. To be <strong>de</strong>pen<strong>de</strong>nt on public funding is unavoidable for a state university but, heavily <strong>de</strong>pending<br />

on public funding represent a continuous risk of un<strong>de</strong>r-financing and consequently of limited progress.<br />

Therefore, the management <strong>de</strong>cisions ma<strong>de</strong> aims for increasing the amount and share of attracted funds. The<br />

<strong>de</strong>cisions are formulated by the university Senate Board, are validated by the Senate and are implemented at<br />

the levels of faculties, chairs, RTD <strong>de</strong>partments and university’s <strong>de</strong>partments.<br />

The staff that has to face these challenges and the new legislation (for higher education, employment, human<br />

resources, accounting, etc.), is trained.<br />


USAMV Cluj-Napoca is recognized, at national level, as a representative higher education institution in<br />

<strong>de</strong>veloping and implementing quality assurance, being one of the first universities in Romania that<br />

implemented and certified a quality management system (QMS) based on the ISO 9001 mo<strong>de</strong>l, since 2004.<br />

The QMS implementation was systematically approached within the university, and recognized by national<br />

authorities. USAMV Cluj-Napoca implemented a<strong>de</strong>quate tools for the internal quality assurance and the<br />

<strong>evaluation</strong> of the study programs, for aca<strong>de</strong>mic staff <strong>evaluation</strong>, for research, and for the administration<br />

performance.<br />

The continuous improvement of education and research quality and effectiveness, the stu<strong>de</strong>nts’ involvement<br />

into the internal quality assurance process, their active participation into the <strong>de</strong>cision making process at<br />

university/faculty level, and into the <strong>evaluation</strong> of teaching activity, represent key-elements of the university<br />

sustainability.<br />


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