Dr. Adrian Boyle - Managing Director, Cathx Ocean

Dr. Adrian Boyle - Managing Director, Cathx Ocean Dr. Adrian Boyle - Managing Director, Cathx Ocean

Two markets, common developmentIncreasing valueDiver and ocean based“smart“ Lighting andsensorsRevenueEngineeringSuppliersMarket overlapRevenueEngineeringSuppliersMarket overlapRemotely Operated VehicleSubsea systems (ROV toAUV)Increasing complexity

<strong>Cathx</strong> <strong>Ocean</strong>: Why we are here today• To Sell lights• Oil and gas contacts• <strong>Ocean</strong>ography contacts• Research and development – new technologiesand capability. Advanced products.• Synergies• Recruitment drive June 2010• To share our experience, contacts and know how.

Thank You!Enquiries: aboyle@cathxocean.comWWW.CATHXOCEAN.COM

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