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<strong>TENNESSEE</strong> <strong>ROAD</strong> <strong>BUILDERS</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong> <strong>SCHOLARSHIP</strong> PROGRAMThe Scholarship for which you are applying is one of more than 30 scholarships awarded each year tooutstanding students in Civil Engineering at four state universities by the Tennessee Road Builders Association.Each stipend is awarded on the basis of fmancial need and a demonstrated interest in the highwayconstruction industry.Winners are selected by an Education Committee composed of members of the TRBA and are chosenwithout regard to race, creed, color, sex or national origin; however, they must be a u.S. Citizen.Applications are collected by the university's college or school of engineering and then forwarded to thecommittee. Applicants are then interviewed and the recipients of the scholarships announced. Interviews arenormally conducted in April with winners announced the same day.In the past, C students as well as straight A students have been winners, based on their need and provenaptitude for engineering. Several have been repeat winners.In addition to the money awarded, TRBA scholarship winners are offered the opportunity of summeremployment with member fIrms whereby the students gain valuable on-the-job training and earn additional cashwith which to further their education.Over 500 scholarships have been awarded since the program began. Many past TRBA scholarshiprecipients have gone on to work on some of the major road and bridge projects in Tennessee and elsewhere and tomake outstanding contributions to their chosen profession.The TRBA takes pride in the accomplishments of these outstanding award winners and in the part it hasplayed in their development. The Association is confIdent that the winners of this year's stipends will continue inthe fme tradition set by their predecessors.TRBA scholarships have been awarded since 1966. What, you may wonder, is TRBA?The Tennessee Road Builders Association is a statewide organization of 350 fIrms that represents the entirespectrum of the highway construction industry. TRBA members include asphalt and concrete paving fIrms, bridgebuilders, grading contractors, aggregate producers, specialty contractors, equipment & material manufacturers andsuppliers and associated members.It was founded on January 18, 1928, by representatives of 22 highway construction fIrms who wereconcerned about the road-building situation, as it then existed in the state.Shortly before that, Tennessee had launched a massive highway constructionprogram at the direction of Governor Austin Peay.and improvementBy 1928, many so-called "fly-by-night" fIrms were doing roadwork in Tennessee. Many of them werestarted by foremen who talked a friend into loaning them a little capital, obtained a few pieces of equipment andthen secured bonding through agents who were interested in little more than the commission on the price of a policy.At the same time, construction and materials standards were not uniform from one part of the state to thenext. In many instances, specifIcations were left up to the state engineer on the site.Because of the steady decline in standard practices and the uncertainty affecting contractor operationscaused by misunderstandings between contractors and project engineers, a group of contractors decided to organizean association whose sole aim would be to promote better contracting and engineering conditions; to raise thepersonnel standards of the contractors and state engineers; to clarify specifIcations, and to secure the full cooperationof all Federal, State and Local Government agencies in the design and construction of the best possibletransportation facility per tax dollar spent.For 80 years, the Tennessee Road Builders Association has worked hard to meet the goals of its foundersand the challenges of the ever-changing future of the highway construction industry. Training engineers is a vitalpart of that commitment.Then, as now, the TRBA is convinced that good roads safe lives, time and money.The TRBA wishes each applicant well.

<strong>TENNESSEE</strong> <strong>ROAD</strong> <strong>BUILDERS</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong> <strong>SCHOLARSHIP</strong>SWHO MAY APPLY:Civil Engineering students who:(I)are interested in construction, particularly highway construction, as a career.(2) can demonstrate some fmancial need.(3) have a grade point average of at least 2.0 or better.(4) are enrolled full-time presently (or on an approved co-op program) and who are in good, current standingswith the university.(5) will be a full-time student during the semester or semesters in which they receive the scholarship.(6) are citizens of the United States.Note: If you have worked in the construction field previously or are willing to do so, it is defmitely in your favor.INSTRUCTIONS:(I)Read attached overview ofTRBA's history and purpose.(2) Complete the Reference Information Sheet and the Application for Student Financial Aid forms, using black ink.(3) Furnish a small, recent photograph of yourself if possible.(4) Write a one-page letter about yourself and your background. Tell why yOUare applying for the scholarship. etc. Itshould be typed or handwritten using black ink.DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS:All completed forms, letters, etc., must be returned to:Deadline:(Dateffime)

<strong>TENNESSEE</strong> <strong>ROAD</strong> <strong>BUILDERS</strong> <strong>ASSOCIATION</strong> <strong>SCHOLARSHIP</strong>APPLICATION FOR STUDENT FINANCIAL AIDFullname:College address:Home address:Home Telephone: ( College Telephone: (Name & Address of Local Newspaper:Place of Birth:Date of Birth:Graduate of High School Year graduated:H.S. Grade Point AverageYour occupation (if any):Social security number/School ID#:Your Income:Single_Married No. of Children AgesIfmarried, spouse's name:Spouse's Occupation: Spouse's Income:Number of dependentsother than spouse:Name of parents or legal guardians:Address:Father's Occupation:Mother's Occupation:Step Parents (if applicable): OccupationNumber of dependent children in family older than you:Annual Income:Annual Income:Annual IncomeYounger than youIncluding yourself, how many members of your immediate family will be enrolled in college next year?How many are receiving fmancial assistance in the form of scholarships or grants?Highest Rank held in Boy/Girl Scouts:Member of what church:What are your hobbies?What percent of your college education/living expenses will you provide begirming with the upcoming Fall Quarter?Approx. what % of your college costs/expenses will you receive from scholarships, loans or grants?(Continued)-

TRBA <strong>SCHOLARSHIP</strong> APPLICATIONPAGE -2-Do you have any Pell Grants, Student Assistance,Student Loans or any other Scholarships?If yes, please specify what kinds and the amounts:Will you be a full-time student during the coming year?How many hours per week do you work?Where will you live while at school?How many hours per week do you devote to studies?Upcoming academic year classification:What is your approximate current grade point average?Expected date of graduation:What is your concentration in Civil Engineering?Proposed Occupation in Civil Engineering?Are any members of your immediate family presently employed in or affiliated with the highway constructionindustry?A. Name Relationship EmployerB. Name Relationship EmployerPlease list any previous work experience:Emplover From To Tvoe of WorkPlease give two (2) references,other than your parents:Name Address Occupation TelephoneAttach a recent photographof applicant here if available, or use this space below for a photo static copy of the photograph.

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