NIG Prospectus - London Stock Exchange

NIG Prospectus - London Stock Exchange

NIG Prospectus - London Stock Exchange


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Level: 8 – From: 8 – Thursday, August 9, 2007 – 2:19 pm – mac5 – 3776 Section 06 : 3776 Section 06Sales<strong>NIG</strong>’s sales amounted to KD 99.741 million in 2006 compared to KD 104.740 million in 2005 andKD 106.987 million in 2004.In order to ensure that <strong>NIG</strong> can file its consolidated financial statements with the DFM within thenecessary time period subsequent to the end of each financial year, during 2006, <strong>NIG</strong> decided tochange the annual accounting period of its foreign subsidiaries for the purpose of consolidation to30 November 2006, whereas in the previous year it was 31 December 2005. Consequently, during2006 <strong>NIG</strong> consolidated the foreign subsidiaries for the eleven months ended 30 November 2006whereas in the comparative information for 2004 and 2005, respectively, these subsidiaries havebeen consolidated for the year ended 31 December 2004 and 31 December 2005, respectively.Income from investments and profit on partial disposal of associates<strong>NIG</strong>’s income from investments amounted to KD 90.772 million in 2006 compared to KD 173.076million in 2005 and KD 54.017 million in 2004. In addition, <strong>NIG</strong>’s profit on partial disposal ofassociates amounted to KD 559 thousand in 2006 compared to KD 72.124 million in 2005 and KD5.187 million in 2004. See “Key Factors affecting Profit” above.Share of profits of associates and joint ventures<strong>NIG</strong>’s share of profits from associates and joint ventures amounted to KD 9.522 million in 2006compared to KD 15.193 million in 2005 and KD 5.152 million in 2004. See “Key Factors affectingProfit” above.Net profit/(loss) on disposal of subsidiaries/businesses<strong>NIG</strong>’s net profit on the disposal of subsidiaries/businesses amounted to KD 69.605 million in 2006compared to a net loss of KD 2,357 million in 2005 and a net profit of KD 560 thousand in 2004.See “Key Factors affecting Profit” above.Expenses<strong>NIG</strong>’s total expenses in 2006 amounted to KD 55.621 million compared to KD 72.800 million in2005 and KD 39.417 million in 2004.Finance costsFinance costs were KD 30.990 million in 2006 compared to KD 18.735 million in 2005 and KD10.193 million in 2004.General, administrative and other expensesGeneral, administrative and other expenses were KD 16.815 million in 2006 compared to KD28.079 million in 2005 and KD 13.163 million in 2004.Distribution costsDistribution costs were KD 6.556 million in 2006, KD 7.014 million in 2005 and KD 6.956 million in2004.62

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