NIG Prospectus - London Stock Exchange

NIG Prospectus - London Stock Exchange

NIG Prospectus - London Stock Exchange


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Level: 8 – From: 8 – Thursday, August 9, 2007 – 2:20 pm – mac5 – 3776 Section 10c : 3776 Section 10cimpairment losses. Goodwill is tested for impairment, annually or more frequently if events orchanges in circumstances indicate that the carrying value may be impaired. For the purpose ofimpairment testing, goodwill is allocated to cash generating units.Property, plant and equipment and depreciationProperty, plant and equipment are stated at cost/valuation less accumulated depreciation andimpairment losses. Depreciation is calculated to write off the cost or valuation, less the estimatedresidual value of property, plant and equipment, on a straight-line basis over their estimated usefullives as follows:Freehold propertyLong leasehold propertyShort leasehold propertyProperty on leasehold landPlant and machineryMotor vehiclesFurniture and equipmentLower of 50 years or remaining useful lifeLower of 50 years or remaining lease termLease term4 to 20 years1 to 15 years2 to 10 years4 to 10 yearsAny increase arising on revaluation is credited directly to shareholders’ equity as “revaluationreserve” except to the extent where the increase reverses a revaluation decrease related to thesame asset for which a decrease in valuation has previously been recognised as an expense, it iscredited to the consolidated statement of income. Any decrease in the net carrying amount arisingon revaluation is charged directly to the consolidated statement of income, or charged to therevaluation reserve to the extent that the decrease is related to an increase for the same assetwhich was previously recorded as a credit to the revaluation surplus.Depreciation on the re-valued properties is charged to the consolidated statement of income overtheir remaining estimated useful lives and an amount equivalent to the excess depreciation chargerelating to the increase in carrying amount is transferred each year from the revaluation reserve toretained earnings.No depreciation is provided on freehold land. Properties in the course of construction forproduction or administrative purposes, are carried at cost, less any recognised impairment loss.Depreciation of these assets, on the same basis as other property assets, commences when theassets are ready for their intended use.Investment in associatesThe group’s investment in associates is accounted for under the equity method of accounting. Anassociate is an entity in which the group has between 20% to 50% of the voting power or overwhich it exercises significant influence. Under the equity method of accounting, the initialinvestment is recorded at cost and the carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognise thegroup’s share of profit or loss and other changes in the equity of the associated companies.Distributions received from the associated companies reduce the carrying amount of theinvestment.Investment in joint venturesInvestment in joint ventures are accounted for under the equity method of accounting. A jointventure is an undertaking in which the group has a long-term interest and over which it exercisesjoint control. Under the equity method of accounting, the initial investment is recorded at cost andthe carrying amount is increased or decreased to recognise the group’s share of profits or lossesand other changes in equity of the joint venture. Distributions received from joint ventures reducethe carrying amount of the investment.F-58

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