Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related ...

Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related ... Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related ...


160 Appendix 1----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Digital Angiogram Systems:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Photographs captured by digital acquisition systems can be submitted in twoformats:(i) CD-R, or(ii) On-line----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(i)CD-R Submission:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------• Only CD-R’s will be accepted by CARF.BRIEF GUIDE TO DIGITAL IMAGE TRANSFER:1. Select patient using the copy/edit/delete facility2. Edit patient details: delete name and address.3. Enter 3 letter site ID in the patient name field4. Ensure that hospital number and date of birth fields are complete andaccurate5. Copy the angiograms to a CD-RNB: Step 1 may vary depending upon the acquisition(Guide is based upon Topcon Imagenet capture systems)• Each DP should keep an ongoing record of the following details:- CD-R number [allocated chronologically, & starting at No.1]- Hospital numbers for Patient’s held on each CD-R- Photographic date range of photographs burned to a CD-R- Identity of Person who checked, & verified, CD-R contents- Date of Postage to CARFThe Do’s for Successful Digital Submission:• Do ensure that CD-R’s are created and sent in chronological order.• Do use clear writing & permanent markers to identify the CD-R. Thisshould include the DP site ID (3 letters) [the facility to create site-specificID labels will be included with the preparatory CD issued by the DMC],

DOI: 10.3310/hta16060Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 6161CD-R number (in chronological order), photographic date range ofphotographs burned to a CD-R, date of burning.• Do send the CD-R(s) as close as possible to the capture date, anddefinitely within two weeks of capture.• Do send the CD-R(s) (& appropriate documentation) to CARF within 24hours of being burned.• Do submit a hard copy list of the patient identification numbers stored onthe CD-R. Please keep one copy of this log in the DP.• Do use toughened envelopes or bubble-wrap to protect the CD-R(s)when preparing for posting.• Do use the full address of CARF (as shown on page 76). The DP nameand site ID should be marked clearly on the back of the envelope(s).• Do notify CARF of CD-R dispatch.Using transmittal logs, CARF will confirm receipt of the CD-R(s), and will alsoconfirm that images are retrievable, and that all contents are in the appropriateprotocol format to be graded.Any problems will be relayed back to the DP for amendment, and the submissionprocess repeated until ALL problems have been resolved.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(ii)On-Line Submission:Details to follow.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Reeves et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by theSecretary of State for Health.

DOI: 10.3310/hta16060Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 6161CD-R number (in chronological order), photographic date range ofphotographs burned to a CD-R, date of burning.• Do send the CD-R(s) as close as possible to the capture date, anddefinitely within two weeks of capture.• Do send the CD-R(s) (& appropriate documentation) to CARF within 24hours of being burned.• Do submit a hard copy list of the patient identification numbers stored onthe CD-R. Please keep one copy of this log in the DP.• Do use toughened envelopes or bubble-wrap to protect the CD-R(s)when preparing <strong>for</strong> posting.• Do use the full address of CARF (as shown on p<strong>age</strong> 76). The DP nameand site ID should be marked clearly on the back of the envelope(s).• Do notify CARF of CD-R dispatch.Using transmittal logs, CARF will confirm receipt of the CD-R(s), and will alsoconfirm that im<strong>age</strong>s are retrievable, and that all contents are in the appropriateprotocol <strong>for</strong>mat to be graded.Any problems will be relayed back to the DP <strong>for</strong> amendment, and the submissionprocess repeated until ALL problems have been resolved.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(ii)On-Line Submission:Details to follow.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Reeves et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by theSecretary of State <strong>for</strong> Health.

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