Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related ...

Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related ... Verteporfin photodynamic therapy for neovascular age-related ...


136 Appendix 1Has your photographer (s) been certified by any one of the ongoing studies forangiographic stereo-capture protocols? Yes / NoIf “yes”, please list studies: If “no”, would you wish your photographer to be trained?Although the final decision rests with the commissioners please state if you arewilling to collect the extended dataset (measurement of contrast sensitivity andcompletion of quality of life questionnaires). Yes / NoIf known please identify the PCT’s your contract covers:Please return these details to:Sonia DhimanHealth Services Research UnitDepartment of Public Health and PolicyLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineKeppel StreetLondon WC1E 7HTEmail receipt of this questionnaire Strategen will contact you to arrange a databaseinstallation date and we will send you details of the LREC application process,database training and implementation, reading centre processes and data collectionprotocols.Please feel free to contact any of the members of the study team at the emailaddresses given belowWe look forward to working with you on this exciting study.With best wishesBarney Reeves: Chakravarthy: Harding: simonpharding@aol.comCirculation list:John Fullarton, StrategenRob Stitchbury, Digital HealthcareVersion 1.1; established centresUC/SPH/BR 10.03.04

DOI: 10.3310/hta16060Health Technology Assessment 2012; Vol. 16: No. 6137Appendix 4:Patient information sheet and consent formPlease note: A revised (shorter) patient information sheet has recently been submitted tothe MREC for approval. The patient information sheet and consent form shown below havebeen approved by the MREC and should be used until the revised version is approved anddistributed to DPs.Hospital /Institution Headed paperVERTEPORFIN PHOTO DYNAMIC THERAPY INSUBFOVEAL CHOROIDAL NEOVASCULARISATION: THEUK COHORT STUDYLay title: A study to monitor the effect of photodynamictherapy in choroidal neovascularisationPATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET AND ANSWERS TOFREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSYou are being invited to take part in a study which aims tocollect information on the impact of eyesight deterioration onability to function and the results of other tests which areundertaken as part of the treatment you are receiving for youreye condition. If you wish to have this document read to youplease ask one of the clinical staff involved in your care. Weare also happy to answer any questions which you may have.WHY HAVE I BEEN ASKED TO TAKE PART IN THISSTUDY?The recent changes that you have noticed in your eyesight aredue to the development of new abnormal blood vessels in theeye, behind the retina. These abnormal blood vessels areleaking fluid and blood into the central area of the retina calledthe macula causing it to malfunction. These abnormal bloodvessels form a lesion called a choroidal neovascular membrane,or CNV for short. Without treatment, most people with thisproblem will lose central vision over a period of weeks ormonths. The development of CNV is a feature of wet AgerelatedMacular Degeneration (called AMD for short) and, lessoften, some other eye conditions.© Queen’s Printer and Controller of HMSO 2012. This work was produced by Reeves et al. under the terms of a commissioning contract issued by theSecretary of State for Health.

136 Appendix 1Has your photographer (s) been certified by any one of the ongoing studies <strong>for</strong>angiographic stereo-capture protocols? Yes / NoIf “yes”, please list studies: If “no”, would you wish your photographer to be trained?Although the final decision rests with the commissioners please state if you arewilling to collect the extended dataset (measurement of contrast sensitivity andcompletion of quality of life questionnaires). Yes / NoIf known please identify the PCT’s your contract covers:Please return these details to:Sonia DhimanHealth Services Research UnitDepartment of Public Health and PolicyLondon School of Hygiene and Tropical MedicineKeppel StreetLondon WC1E 7HTEmail receipt of this questionnaire Strategen will contact you to arrange a databaseinstallation date and we will send you details of the LREC application process,database training and implementation, reading centre processes and data collectionprotocols.Please feel free to contact any of the members of the study team at the emailaddresses given belowWe look <strong>for</strong>ward to working with you on this exciting study.With best wishesBarney Reeves: Chakravarthy: Harding: simonpharding@aol.comCirculation list:John Fullarton, StrategenRob Stitchbury, Digital HealthcareVersion 1.1; established centresUC/SPH/BR 10.03.04

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