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Climate Change and Tourism - UNEP - Division of Technology ...

Climate Change and Tourism - UNEP - Division of Technology ...


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UNWTO, 9 July 2008<br />

Impacts <strong>and</strong> Adaptation at <strong>Tourism</strong> Destinations<br />

water. Water supply is challenging in arid destinations <strong>and</strong> on small isl<strong>and</strong>s. Adaptation measures at the<br />

resort level involve both actions on supply <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong>, such as:<br />

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infrastructure improvements (e.g., rainwater collectors);<br />

water conservation (including the application <strong>of</strong> water-saving devices <strong>and</strong> guest education);<br />

sustainability planning (e.g., considering long-term weather forecasts);<br />

water source management (e.g., in the case <strong>of</strong> springs);<br />

monitoring health <strong>and</strong> environmental protection (quality <strong>of</strong> water);<br />

recycling (use <strong>of</strong> treated water for irrigation).<br />

Supply-side deficiencies in water treatment <strong>and</strong> distribution systems need to be addressed, such as<br />

leaks in ageing pipes, as do behavioural issues such as reducing consumption patterns. 441 For water<br />

management it is also important to take into account increased risk associated with heavy rainfall,<br />

drought <strong>and</strong> other extreme weather conditions. Inadequate water supply is a significant problem<br />

in many tourism areas around the world <strong>and</strong> is <strong>of</strong>ten brought about by over development (dem<strong>and</strong><br />

exceeding supply capacity) <strong>and</strong> climate variability. 442 Some <strong>of</strong> the most common technical adaptations<br />

to increase water supply for tourism operations are: water transfers (pipelines or tankers), reservoirs, <strong>and</strong><br />

desalination plants, which have both financial <strong>and</strong> environmental impact implications. 443<br />

Box 10 Impact <strong>and</strong> adaptation in Thail<strong>and</strong> 444<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> destination <strong>and</strong> situation: Heavily developed tourism isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Phuket, Thail<strong>and</strong>.<br />

<strong>Climate</strong> change impact: Water shortages brought about by climate variability.<br />

Adaptation strategy/strategies: Multi-year water supply plan including construction <strong>of</strong> new dams,<br />

development <strong>of</strong> ab<strong>and</strong>oned mines as water sources, exp<strong>and</strong>ed water transmission <strong>and</strong> recycling<br />

systems. Plus a revised fee structure for water consumption <strong>and</strong> initiation <strong>of</strong> water conservation<br />

campaigns.<br />

Organization implementing the adaptation strategy: <strong>Tourism</strong> Authority <strong>of</strong> Thail<strong>and</strong>, together with<br />

other national agencies.<br />

Box 11 Water impact <strong>and</strong> adaptation in Majorca 445<br />

<strong>Tourism</strong> destination <strong>and</strong> situation: Spanish tourist isl<strong>and</strong> <strong>of</strong> Majorca (heavily developed).<br />

<strong>Climate</strong> change impact: Water shortages brought about by climate variability <strong>and</strong> dem<strong>and</strong><br />

exceeding supply capacity. Saline intrusion into local aquifers.<br />

Adaptation strategy/strategies: Construction <strong>of</strong> two large-capacity desalination plants <strong>and</strong><br />

additional water pipeline transfers from the mountainous north side <strong>of</strong> the isl<strong>and</strong>.<br />

Organization implementing the adaptation strategy: Spanish Government.<br />


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